June 02, 2009

5.30.09 | "egg" mcvegans...fail dvd!

i came across an egg mcvegan recipe and thought i would try to experiment with some tofu scramble and yves meatless canadian bacon i had picked up earlier in the week from whole foods. i got some extra sour sourdough english muffins from trader joe's, added a slice of tomato, some vegan mayo and earth balance and sat down with steve to enjoy our brunch.

i was really disappointed with the results. the sour taste of the english muffins definitely overpowered anything else in the sandwich and was simply the wrong choice for this recipe. as for the vegan canadian bacon...while it smelled delicious as i was heating it up on a lightly oiled skillet, the taste was very bland. i used the best breakfast scramble ever! recipe from vegweb.com and that came out well, as usual. the "cheez sauce" from the scramble, which i always half in quantity, removed the need to add any additional vegan cheese to the sandwich.

i think i can master this breakfast recipe...i just have to work on the components!

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